Lily’s Story

I have always believed in keeping my options open. I grew up unable to answer the question “where are you from?”: born in England, raised in Canada (with a stint in New Zealand), 2nd generation Indian immigrant.  I spent my 20s exploring the African continent, living in Ghana and Tanzania, and I still want to set foot in Antarctica.

When I was 15, I made a career plan which involved being a paediatrician and an astronaut. I realised I was too squeamish for medicine but when I was 25, I applied to the European Space Agency to be an astronaut. I still have the rejection email.

I have worked in banking, landed jobs in the arts sector, been a Google Global Community Scholar, qualified as an accountant, worked in charities, dabbled in microfinance, been a FINCA Research Fellow and started up multiple businesses.

What I have learnt is that I love growing purpose-led businesses from the inside out – but not on my own. I’m best at being the integrator co-founder that supports the visionary CEO.

I’m passionate about building companies that are good for their employees, customers, communities and the world at large: the whole shebang. I have worked in places that worked their people down to the ground, that didn’t care about the impact down their supply chain. This is not right.

I started The Virtual COO because I believe that companies can and must do better. I have spent the past decade championing progressive methodologies because I know companies can be a force for good, but it is hard work. I’m here for the challenge and I’m here for you.


On Paper

MMath in Mathematics & Computer Science

CIMA qualified accountant

PGDip in Voluntary Sector Management

My Passions

Treating employees like real people

Strategy that excites and motivates

Numbers that make sense

Other Stuff

Mum of two

Amateur genealogist

Avid traveller