Cash Flow Forecast


Cash is King, they say, and they aren’t wrong. A business can look profitable on paper and still fail if you don’t have any money in the bank! Track your cash flow using our simple spreadsheet, which will allow you to stay on top of the numbers. Our spreadsheet allows you to set a “minimum acceptable” cash level, so it will alert you if things take a turn for the worse. You will easily be able to see your cash situation and whether you can afford upcoming spending.



Cash is King, they say, and they aren’t wrong. A business can look profitable on paper and still fail if you don’t have any money in the bank! Track your cash flow using our simple spreadsheet, which will allow you to stay on top of the numbers. Our spreadsheet allows you to set a “minimum acceptable” cash level, so it will alert you if things take a turn for the worse. You will easily be able to see your cash situation and whether you can afford upcoming spending.


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